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App Marketing Success Stories: Korean & International Examples


Why are app marketing success stories important for marketers? Currently, mobile devices account for over 50% of global website traffic. This high mobile usage supports the growing demand for mobile app marketing.

Mobile app marketing involves promoting mobile applications to reach more customers and increase downloads. This process occurs through various channels such as social media, online advertising, App Store optimization, influencer marketing, and email marketing.

Consequently, app marketing aims to enhance visibility and encourage users to download and engage with different applications.

Media Strategy-Based App Marketing Success Story


Media Strategy-Based App Marketing Success Story

The company Healthread developed an app to connect patients with similar or identical health conditions, regardless of their location. Users can create communities, receive support and encouragement, and discuss health issues through this app. They provided them with a safe space for comfort and empathy.

Healthread’s Marketing Strategy

Healthread needed to build a consumer behavior journey from awareness, app download, installation, and ultimately to sign-up. This required a successful marketing strategy. They developed a comprehensive marketing strategy that included paid social media, advertising copy, blog posts, email marketing, and creative content. Through this approach, they established a robust lead generation strategy and built brand awareness.

  • Developed Social Media Strategy for Targeting: Managed all digital assets for paid ads, organic social, and email marketing.
  • Executed Media Planning and Content Creation: Created landing pages, promoted sign-ups via email, and built campaigns to drive key content downloads and app installations.
  • Implemented Digital Media Strategy: Led Healthread’s content media strategy and branding efforts.

Essential Elements of Successful App Marketing

Distributed Healthread’s Message through Own Content: Shared value with others by disseminating their message.

Posted Content to Build Brand Awareness: Published content that resonated with the target audience to build brand recognition.

Created Healthread’s Brand Voice: Developed a strong audience while establishing their brand voice.

Produced Health and Medical-Themed Ads and Campaigns: Created advertising and campaigns focused on health and medical topics.

Optimized Landing Pages for Clear CTAs and Accessibility: Designed landing pages with clear calls to action and accessibility to facilitate easy inquiries from potential customers.

Built App Engagement and Provided Content: Helped users navigate the site by building app engagement and providing content.

Additionally, they used dynamic marketing techniques to create tailored messages for different customer segments. They also built company pages on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, creating and publishing engaging messages, videos, and images. This led target customers to follow their social media accounts, creating an organic impression.

Built App Engagement and Provided Content

What Are the Key Elements of an App Marketing Success Story?

Healthread built a landing page for email sign-ups to generate customer interest even before the app launch. They sent emails containing useful information, such as relevant videos and blog links, to potential customers to maintain their interest until the app was ready. This meticulous app marketing strategy proved successful.

As a result, they achieved over 15,000 downloads, a 2.3% CTR, and attracted more than 12,000 subscribers through various media and A/B testing on platforms like Buffer, Mailjet, Google Ads, Meta, Reddit, and Apple Search Ads.

Landing Page-Based App Marketing Success Story

6th Street

6thStreet is the largest omnichannel e-commerce site selling high-end fashion and beauty brands in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, and Qatar. To generate additional revenue, 6thStreet launched iOS and Android apps in 2018. Given the high app usage in the Middle East, 6thStreet anticipated significant app engagement.

6thStreet’s Crisis Detection

Landing Page-Based App Marketing Success Story

The launch of Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework on iOS significantly impacted advertising spending efficiency and overall acquisition strategy for 6thStreet. They discovered that their app installation campaigns through their own attribution network (SAN) resulted in lower app customer engagement than before.

Customers acquired through app installation ads tended to uninstall the app shortly after onboarding. Furthermore, retargeting iOS users became challenging due to reduced capabilities of ad networks.

6thStreet’s marketing team needed to address these issues swiftly before the Ramadan e-commerce season began.

Strategy Shift to Web Promotion

For the Ramadan season campaign, 6thStreet’s performance marketing team decided to switch from app installation ads to web-based advertising networks such as Meta, Google Ads, and TikTok. This allowed them to redirect ad traffic to their website instead of the App Store. They targeted web visitors from these ad networks and offered discounts on in-app orders.

They incorporated personalization into 6thStreet’s marketing strategy during the Ramadan festival promotion period, delivering the right message to the right customer.

Strategy Shift to Web Promotion

By transitioning from app installation ads to web-based ads, 6thStreet could drive more web traffic. To further enhance customer personalization, they also implemented Branch deep links to improve app onboarding experiences.

Deep links routed users to precise in-app content, leading to increased lifetime value (LTV), loyalty, and revenue compared to users arriving directly from a general landing page. As a result, 6thStreet saw a 60% increase in app installations, a 13% rise in ROAS, and a 70% increase in DAU.

This success story demonstrates how 6thStreet was able to acquire highly engaged app users at a lower cost compared to other e-commerce brands and re-engage existing users.

Clear ASO App Marketing Success Story


World of Warships Blitz 3D War is a Korean maritime warfare simulation mobile game. Their goal was to increase exposure and brand awareness globally on the App Store and Google Play Store.

Challenges for wowsblitz

The challenge was managing App Store optimization campaigns across multiple countries and languages.

They had to optimize for French, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), German, Japanese, and English markets.

This presented significant difficulties in optimizing across so many diverse markets.

ASO Optimization Through Partner Collaboration

wowsblitz tackled the challenge of ASO (App Store Optimization) by combining AI-based ASO tools with in-house expertise. They used keywords that had not been ranked in the 12 localized versions of the App Store. This approach helped them find opportunities to drive more traffic to the game.

ASO optimization in a single market is challenging enough, let alone across multiple languages and countries. It required substantial resources and strategy. wowsblitz found several partners to assist in achieving their goals. They worked effectively with competent and reliable partners to conduct the ASO process.

As a result, wowsblitz successfully analyzed keywords with high mentions and conversion rates by country, refining them according to language-specific contexts.

This led to an average exposure ranking increase of 35% on the App Store, a 73% increase in Spain, and a remarkable 91% increase in Turkey.

Proven App Marketing Success Stories

In conclusion, the success stories of Healthread, 6th Street, and wowsblitz demonstrate the power of a well-rounded app marketing strategy.

By effectively utilizing social media, web promotions, and App Store optimization, these companies achieved remarkable results in visibility, engagement, and downloads.

Their innovative approaches and targeted efforts provide valuable lessons for anyone looking to enhance their app marketing efforts and drive significant growth.

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