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B2B Marketing KPIs: What Metrics to Focus On?


In all marketing efforts, KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are crucial for building and maintaining business competitiveness. Especially in B2B marketing, it’s common to lack a concrete plan for setting and achieving KPIs. As a marketer, establishing and tracking the right B2B marketing KPIs is essential since they guide the company toward growth.

Strategy Development Through Performance Measurement

B2B 마케팅 KPI 전략 수립

B2B marketing KPIs like revenue, customer acquisition rates, and brand awareness help understand how efforts and strategies contribute to a company’s growth. Through these metrics, marketers can set clearer goals and develop effective strategies. For instance, if the goal is to increase sales of a particular product, focusing on KPIs such as lead generation rates and sales growth can be pivotal.

B2B marketing KPIs play a critical role in securing a competitive edge in the market. By comparing your performance with competitors, you can understand your standing and strive for better outcomes, thereby strengthening your market position.

Key Strategies for Continuous Growth

The B2B market is constantly evolving, with purchase cycles becoming increasingly longer.

Research shows that about 74.6% of B2B sales to new customers take over four months to close. This indicates a lengthy time from initial lead intake to revenue conversion.

As the time required for lead nurturing extends, the importance of setting and tracking marketing KPIs in the B2B market becomes more pronounced. With new technologies and market trends continuously changing, analyzing these shifts through KPIs allows for agile responses.

Consistent KPI analysis, rather than short-term, helps companies appropriately grasp and adjust to the flow of change.

Which B2B Marketing KPIs Should You Track?

Setting the right KPIs in B2B marketing can be challenging even for skilled marketers. However, it’s a fundamental step that cannot be avoided if you want to measure performance and optimize strategies.

To set the right KPIs, you should first consider the following goals and strategies:

Revenue and Customer Acquisition

  • Monthly Revenue Growth Rate: Beyond the size of revenue, measuring the rate of change in monthly revenue helps grasp the growth trend of the company. Since B2B is based on long-term relationships, continuously analyzing these trends is crucial.
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): CAC is the cost required to acquire a new customer. By understanding the cost spent on acquiring new customers, you can evaluate if the marketing budget is being used effectively. Reducing CAC is a vital element in improving cost-effectiveness.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

CTR, or Click-Through Rate, is a significant metric that indicates the effectiveness of marketing campaigns or content. It represents the ratio of clicks to impressions and provides insight into how users respond to and take action on ads.

CTR 계산 방식

To improve CTR, consider the following methods:

  • Select keywords highly relevant to the target audience.
  • Write clear and concise ad copy.
  • Use images or videos to enhance visual appeal.
  • Reset targeting for ad exposure.

Lead Generation and Conversion Rate Optimization

  • Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)
    • MQLs are customers interested in your product or service and can be considered potential customers for sales conversion. Actively managing MQLs helps effectively attract customers leading to sales conversion.
    • MQLs can be identified through actions such as searching for products on the website, subscribing to newsletters, or leaving emails. It’s essential to note that while MQLs have passed through the marketing funnel, they may not always convert to customers, requiring additional effort.
  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

CRO refers to the process of increasing conversion rates to achieve desired results from marketing activities. Higher conversion rates improve efficiency. The steps for optimizing conversion rates for B2B marketing KPIs include:

  • Setting goals
  • Collecting data
  • Analyzing and improving
  • Testing and applying
  • Implementing and monitoring
  • Segmenting target customers
  • Content activities
  • Nurturing by channel
  • Improving the conversion process

Measuring Various B2B Marketing KPI Performances

Competent B2B marketers utilize various KPIs to measure and improve strategy performance. These KPIs are essential for reviewing different aspects of marketing and establishing effective strategies and optimizations.

Traffic and Entry Paths

  • Organic Traffic: Organic traffic from search engines reflects the performance of the website’s SEO. By measuring keyword rankings and the amount of traffic, you can assess the effectiveness of your SEO strategy.
  • Cost Per Click (CPC): To determine CAC, divide the total marketing cost by the number of new clients generated over a set period. CPC measures the cost per click for ads, playing a crucial role in assessing the profitability of ad campaigns by evaluating budget efficiency.

Measuring Content Effectiveness

  • Downloads and Shares: Track the number of times in-depth content is downloaded or shared to gauge interest and empathy with the brand’s content.
  • Website Visit Duration: The time visitors spend on the website serves as a benchmark for content quality and user experience. Long visit durations indicate successful content, providing positive data for lead generation.

Email Marketing and Automation

  • Email Open Rates and Click Rates: Checking open rates and click rates is essential for measuring the effectiveness of email campaigns. Improve open rates with compelling subject lines, and drive clicks with personalized and relevant content.
  • Automation Flow Effectiveness: Analyze how email automation flows guide the customer journey. Automation is a highly effective strategy for building efficient marketing strategies.

Engagement and Conversion

  • Attendee Registration and Participation Rates: The success of online events or webinars is reflected in attendee registration and participation rates. Planning and measuring engaging and informative events can enhance brand value.
  • Post-Event Conversion Rates: Check the conversion rate of participants after events to connect the event’s effectiveness to actual business results.

Improving Profitability

  • ROI and ROAS

ROI (Return on Investment) and ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) are crucial metrics for measuring performance.

ROI represents return on investment, and ROAS represents the sales ratio to advertising costs.

High ROAS indicates high sales relative to advertising costs, leading many companies to strive to improve ROAS.

However, a high ROAS doesn’t automatically mean good performance. Before increasing the advertising budget, it’s necessary to identify the advertising budget limit, the point beyond which increasing the budget does not improve results.

To avoid the trap of high ROAS, distinguish between ROI and ROAS in your analysis and evaluation. This is not easy, as many companies fail to grasp ROI due to the illusion created by high ROAS.

Appropriately utilizing various KPIs allows for effective monitoring and optimization of different strategy aspects.

Choosing the right KPIs that align with specific business goals and strategies can infinitely contribute to organizational growth. Continuous effort in proper analysis and data-driven decision-making increases the likelihood of maintaining a competitive edge and achieving successful outcomes in a changing market.

Efficient Strategies for Setting B2B Marketing KPIs

Even with proper B2B marketing KPI settings, lacking systematic analysis and know-how can lead to significant resource wastage. Especially when continuous effort and attempts are required, making missteps can result in greater losses.

In enhancing B2B marketing KPIs, collaborating with a capable marketing agency is more important than expected. Professional agencies offer expertise and various resources to drive successful strategies. They are often more adept at understanding industry trends, developing effective content strategies, and utilizing the latest digital marketing technologies.

Moreover, their external perspective can pinpoint and address sensitive areas that are difficult to identify internally. By considering key indicators based on our business characteristics and market environment, setting major KPIs, and monitoring these KPIs long-term with objective analysis, continuous growth and performance improvement will not be difficult to achieve.

By working with an experienced marketing agency like Growth Marketing Agency, you can leverage our professional knowledge and skills, ensuring successful strategies and achieving your business goals.

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