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B2B Lead Generation: Essential Insights for Marketers


One of the most significant challenges B2B marketers face is lead generation. Every marketer must set clear marketing goals and establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of these goals.

In addition to KPIs that evaluate overall performance, marketers must decide how to track and assess the specific tasks needed to achieve their objectives.

Key Considerations for B2B Lead Generation

Key Considerations for B2B Lead Generation

Tracking B2B lead generation is crucial, but clarity is equally important. Ensuring accuracy in lead generation is like holding the key to successful marketing.

When data is ambiguous, it becomes challenging for marketers to make informed decisions. Without clear data, marketers hesitate to move forward to the next steps, leading to delays in execution. Naturally, this delay affects revenue generation. Therefore, clarity in marketing metrics is vital.

Managing the Quality of B2B Lead Generation

It’s not just about having a large volume of data. B2B marketers must eliminate any confusing or unnecessary information.

Over half of marketers report difficulties in lead generation. The B2B and tech sectors, in particular, have some of the lowest conversion rates.

To improve lead quality and conversion statistics, marketers need a high-quality lead generation funnel.

Lead Qualification Verification

Lead Qualification Verification
  • Lead qualification is a critical element in generating leads. Many marketers struggle with tracking lead qualification.
    • While lead qualification verification is not a new trend, it is an essential task within a lead generation strategy.
    • To fill the sales funnel with qualified leads, marketers must first learn effective lead generation techniques.
  • Even when leads are qualified, most sales teams only follow up via email or phone, typically during business hours, which can be limiting.
    • The speed of response to leads directly impacts conversion rates, making it a critical issue.
  • Many B2B marketers are either refining or abandoning their strategies.
    • Tracking metrics over time to develop more effective strategies is why data-driven decision-making is so crucial.
  • Marketers should consider including at least one or two validation metrics in their B2B lead generation strategy.
    • They aim to optimize how quickly leads become qualified, which allows tracking the time from lead generation to lead assignment.
    • Alternatively, marketers can test different methods of lead verification to evaluate the costs, resources, and potential revenue associated with various strategies.

Lead Nurturing Metrics

Lead nurturing metrics play a vital role in lead conversion. Like lead verification, it presents an opportunity to move forward. However, most marketers fail to fully understand lead nurturing.

To grasp it correctly, setting performance metrics related to content performance, one of the most challenging yet essential elements, is effective.

Tracking Media Channels

To track lead generation effectively, marketers must identify which media channels are most effective. Utilizing all social media platforms requires significant time and resources.

Therefore, focusing on a few channels that best fit your marketing strategy is more effective and economical. Marketers with limited resources or budget especially prefer concentrating on a few channels.

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B2B Lead Generation Funnel Management

As mentioned earlier, marketers looking to improve lead quality and conversion statistics need a high-quality lead generation funnel. Here’s a checklist for building such a funnel:


At the top of the funnel, leads in the awareness stage seek information to solve business challenges. They search on Google, browse social media, and gather various data.

In this process, they might even discuss with colleagues.

Businesses that want to collect effective leads must make their presence known across multiple channels. The more visible they are, the more likely top-funnel leads will reach them.

Content Marketing

Content marketing generally takes time. However, it can generate three times more leads and reduce costs by 62% compared to traditional marketing.

If you brainstorm content ideas by researching keywords for content creation, you can gain ample inspiration. It’s also crucial to tailor content to the channels you’re using.

If most visitors come through Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), you can utilize SEO-optimized blogs or free e-books.

Choosing effective methods allows marketers and salespeople to reach potential customers more easily.

Social Media

B2B Lead Generation Funnel Management: Social Media

Social media marketing isn’t just about keeping up with Generation Z. Understanding their preferred channels and engaging with the public through value-added content is crucial.

They can expand their reach through hashtags, events, and other strategies.

Moreover, messaging consistency is essential. Activities during the awareness stage, regardless of the social media platform, are part of branding. Therefore, creating consistent messaging to achieve harmony is crucial.

Cold Email

B2B Lead Generation Funnel Management: Cold Email

Creating and segmenting personas that fit your business is essential. Messaging strategies for each persona should resonate with them, addressing problems, icebreakers, and the language they use.

Even if you use pre-made email templates, personalizing emails can take time. Therefore, automating cold email campaigns is essential.

  • Personalize emails to the highest degree possible.
  • Build intuitive drip sequences.
  • Schedule send times.
  • Track opens and clicks.

Detailed Aspects of the B2B Lead Generation Funnel


In the interest stage, you should use the right strategies to transition smoothly from awareness to interest while minimizing drop-offs.

While brand awareness content serves purely educational purposes, content at the interest stage should strike a balance between education and promotion.

Leads are not yet ready to pay. The value you offer must be more attractive than other options and directly align with why they should choose you. Therefore, providing valuable resources to leads is essential.

If leads don’t understand the features and value of your product, they won’t buy it, no matter how many features it has. Use benefit-centric language and emphasize how your product can transform and benefit the lead’s life.

Estimate which stage of the buying journey the lead is in based on the content they access. Then, personalize the content to fit the linear funnel.

If a lead visits your website or checks your cold email but doesn’t respond, retarget them. Reminding them of your offer can significantly improve overall conversion rates. A good approach is to redirect the lead to a high-performing magnet page or display personalized comparisons between your product and competitors’.

Decision and Conversion

When potential customers enter the stage where they decide to purchase your product or service, you should accelerate the process with the following steps:


Messaging should include a clear CTA appropriate for the content and funnel stage.

In the decision stage, a strong and urgent CTA like “Download Free Trial” is effective. Unusual CTAs can also help drive conversions.

Removing Conversion Barriers

A practical way to remove conversion barriers is by directly asking existing customers.

Ask them how they discovered your product, how much time they spent before focusing or researching, what information would have been helpful to know earlier, and which features were beneficial and which were not.

Such direct communication significantly impacts developing new strategies.

Simplifying the Conversion Process

The process of signing up for a free demo, subscribing to a newsletter, or purchasing a product should be straightforward and easy. The fewer and simpler the steps, the higher the conversion rate.

It’s best to eliminate complex and time-consuming tasks like filling out numerous fields in a sign-up form.

Utilizing Data

Analyzing accurate and reliable data is crucial. Verified conversion data can help streamline your lead generation funnel. Additionally, you should refine your buyer personas based on feedback and surveys.

Businesses must collect reliable conversion data through continuous monitoring.

Maintaining Long-Term Conversions

The lead funnel doesn’t end after conversion.

Even after leads become paying customers, efforts should be made to maintain long-term conversions. Paying customers could turn into enthusiastic promoters. Therefore, businesses must provide them with the best experiences and resources.

Why You Need to Improve Lead Generation

Marketing technologies evolve every year, accelerating change. Buyer behavior constantly shifts, and what was effective last year may no longer work this year.

B2B lead generation must also become more sophisticated to adapt to these changes.

Why You Need to Improve Lead Generation

If you’re still using lead generation metrics from last year or the year before, it’s time to track and update new metrics.

Companies must always be ready to adapt and respond flexibly to changing marketing technologies and trends. Accurately understanding and consistently tracking and setting metrics is a challenging task.

To maximize lead generation, it’s also essential to use the correct SEO metrics to attract relevant traffic and convert it into leads.

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Yeawon Park - GP / SEO Content Specialist
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