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Naver Advertising: How to Use Search and Display Ads


Online advertising is essential for reaching your audience and growing your business. Naver, South Korea’s top search engine, offers powerful advertising options that are key to successful marketing strategies in Korea. Understanding Naver advertising is crucial because they provide unique opportunities to connect with millions of users.

Naver advertising come in two main types: Search Ads and Display Ads. Each type has its own strengths and serves different marketing goals. This guide will break down what you need to know about both Naver Search Ads and Display Ads, so you can make the best choices and get the most out of your advertising.

Understanding the Basics of Search Ads and Display Ads

First, let’s clearly define these two types of Naver advertising.

Search Ads (SA: Search Ad): Search ads are text-based advertisements that appear when users search for specific keywords. These ads are displayed at the top or right side of the Naver search results page, marked with “광고 (AD).”

Naver search ads

Example: If you search for “cosmetics,” ads for “natural skin care” and “organic cosmetics” will appear at the top of the search results. These are search ads!

Display Ads (DA: Display Ad): Display ads are banner ads in the form of images or videos that appear across various Naver services, including the main page, blogs, cafes, and news pages.

Naver Banner Ads

Example: As you browse the Naver main page, you might notice striking image ads on the right. Similarly, banner ads appearing amidst blog posts are display ads.

Now that you understand the basic concepts, let’s delve into the main differences between these two types of ads.

Key Differences Between Search Ads and Display Ads in Naver Advertising

  1. Exposure Method
    • Search Ads:
      • Appear based on the user’s search intent.
      • Only shown when specific keywords are searched.
      • Can respond to the user’s immediate needs.
    • Display Ads:
      • Shown based on targeting conditions set by the advertiser.
      • Based on user interests, behavior patterns, demographic characteristics, etc.
      • Can be displayed even if the user is not actively searching.
  2. Advertising Goals
    • Search Ads:
      • Focus on immediate conversions and sales.
      • Target users with high purchase intent, leading to a quick ROI.
    • Display Ads:
      • Focus on increasing brand awareness and acquiring potential customers.
      • Effective for long-term brand image building.
  3. Ad Formats
    • Search Ads:
      • Primarily text-based.
      • Consist of titles, descriptions, and URLs.
      • Clear and concise message delivery is crucial.
    • Display Ads:
      • Utilize various creatives, including images and videos.
      • More visually appealing and can approach users emotionally.
      • Can effectively convey the brand’s identity.

In-Depth Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages

Naver Adveritising: Search Ads Advantages

  • Targeting Users with High Purchase Intent: Users searching for specific keywords already have an interest or intention to purchase, leading to higher conversion rates.

Example: Showing a laptop ad to users searching for “laptop recommendations” is likely to result in a purchase as the user is already interested.

  • Easy Measurement of Immediate Effects and ROI: Metrics like clicks and conversion rates can be tracked in real-time, allowing for quick strategy adjustments. 

Tip: Utilize various report functions in the Naver Ad Manager Center to analyze performance by time and day for more effective ad management.

  • Detailed Keyword Targeting: Ads can be precisely targeted to specific keywords, including competitor and related keywords. 
Naver Advertising search ads

Example: Running ads with the keyword “running shoes” will precisely target consumers interested in that product.

Naver Adveritising: Search Ads Disadvantages

  • High Costs for Competitive Keywords: Popular keywords can be highly competitive, increasing the cost-per-click (CPC). Budget management is crucial. 

Strategy: Use long-tail keywords like “best budget laptops for college students” to reduce competition and improve targeting accuracy.

  • Limited Visual Impact Due to Text-Based Format: Unable to use images or videos, reducing visual appeal and branding effectiveness. 

Tip: Convey key messages clearly and concisely within the text constraints. Use A/B testing to find the most effective wording.

  • Dependence on Search Demand for Exposure: Ads are not displayed if users do not search for the relevant keywords, limiting exposure for new products or services with low search demand. 

Strategy: Combine search ads with display ads to increase awareness and consider content marketing to boost search demand for related terms.

Naver Adveritising: Display Ads Advantages

  • Strong Branding Effect with Visual Elements: Effectively convey brand identity through images and videos, allowing for an emotional approach. 

Example: A cosmetic brand using high-quality images of beautiful models can simultaneously highlight product effectiveness and brand luxury.

  • Various Targeting Options: Targeting based on interests, behavior patterns, demographic characteristics, etc., is effective in discovering and approaching potential customers. 
Nike's naver advertising

Tip: Actively use Naver’s big data for interest targeting based on users’ search history and content consumption patterns.

  • Effective in Acquiring Potential Customers: Ads can be displayed without users actively searching, helping to raise brand awareness and acquire long-term customers. 

Strategy: Use retargeting to continuously display ads to users who have visited your website, increasing purchase conversion rates.

Naver Adveritising: Display Ads Disadvantages

  • Relatively Lower Immediate Conversion Rates: Fewer users with immediate purchase intent compared to search ads, making it difficult to measure short-term ROI. 

Strategy: Set up conversion tracking from a long-term perspective, tracking the customer journey from the first exposure to the final purchase.

  • Banner Blindness Reducing Effectiveness: Users tend to ignore banner ads, leading to lower click-through rates (CTR). 

Tip: Use creative and eye-catching designs to attract user interest. Consider native ad formats that blend naturally with content.

  • Higher Initial Production Costs: Creating high-quality images or videos may incur additional costs, requiring various ad sizes and formats.

Strategy: Use templates or responsive ad designs that can be easily adapted to various sizes to reduce initial investment costs.

Choosing the Right Naver Advertising Type

Selecting the appropriate ad type based on your business situation and marketing goals is crucial. Here’s a guide for choosing the right type in different scenarios.

When to Choose Search Ads

  • Immediate Sales Increase Needed: If you need to boost sales in a short period, search ads are suitable as they target users with clear purchase intent. 

Example: For seasonal products like summer vacation items, running search ads with related keywords during the peak season can quickly increase sales.

  • Clear Demand for Specific Products/Services: If users are already searching for your products or services, search ads are effective. Utilize high-volume keywords to reach your target audience directly. 

Strategy: Use keyword planner tools to identify high-demand keywords and create ad groups around them for effective operation.

  • Emphasizing Differentiation from Competitors: If your product has clear advantages over competitors, use search ads to highlight these benefits when users compare searches. 

Tip: Clearly state the unique selling points in your ad copy, like “Lowest Price Guaranteed,” “Same-Day Delivery,” or “1+1 Event” to increase click rates.

When to Choose Display Ads

  • Building Awareness for New Brands/Products: Display ads are effective when launching a new brand or product, as they leave a strong first impression using visual elements. 
naver webtoon ads

Strategy: Focus on Naver services frequently visited by your target audience (e.g., webtoons, blogs) and use video ads to create an emotional connection.

  • Long-Term Brand Image Building: If your goal is to consistently convey your brand’s value and identity, display ads are suitable. Repeated exposure imprints the brand in the user’s subconscious. 

Example: A premium kitchenware brand can continuously display ads around cooking-related content, establishing the brand as synonymous with premium kitchenware.

  • Promoting Visually Appealing Products/Services: For fields where visual appeal is crucial, like fashion, beauty, or interior design, display ads effectively highlight the product’s charm using high-quality images or videos. 
Naver advertising: in-stream video ads
In-stream video ads are video ads that appear before (pre-roll) and during (mid-roll) VOD content on NAVER TV and NAVER Sports.

Tip: Use interactive elements like 360-degree rotation images or try-on videos to attract user interest and engagement.

Tips for Effective Naver Advertising Strategies

  1. Combine Strengths of Both Ad Types in Integrated Campaigns:
    • Run both search and display ads to achieve synergy. Use display ads to build brand awareness and search ads to drive conversions.
    • Execution Plan:
      • Announce new product launches with display ads to attract interest.
      • Use related keywords for search ads to provide detailed information and drive purchases.
      • Retarget potential customers with display ads to convert those hesitant to purchase.
  2. Select Ad Types Based on Marketing Funnel Stages:
    • Choose the appropriate ad type according to the customer’s purchase journey: use display ads in the awareness stage and search ads in the consideration and purchase stages.
    • Funnel Strategy:
      • Awareness Stage: Display ads on popular Naver services.
      • Consideration Stage: Operate search ads when users look for product information.
      • Purchase Stage: Focus search ads on specific model names, price comparisons.
      • Re-purchase Stage: Use retargeting display ads to reinforce loyalty.
  3. Regular Performance Analysis and Optimization:
    • Regularly analyze ad performance and identify areas for improvement. Use A/B testing to discover the most effective ad copy, images, and targeting methods.
    • Analysis Points:
  • CTR: Indicates ad attractiveness. Low CTR suggests the need to improve ad copy or images.
  • Conversion Rate: Measures actual purchases or sign-ups from clicks. Low rates may indicate the need to improve the landing page.
  • ROAS: Measures ad cost efficiency. Use Naver Ad Manager Center’s performance report to monitor and adjust accordingly.

By comprehensively understanding the characteristics of naver advertising’s search and display ads, and strategically using them according to your business goals and situations, you can achieve effective advertising results. 

Growth Marketing Agency is a certified partner with Naver, bringing extensive expertise to help you master the intricacies of Naver advertising. 

Our skilled team is committed to enhancing your ad performance, making sure your campaigns connect with the ideal audience and deliver exceptional outcomes. 

Should you have any queries or face challenges, feel free to consult our specialists for expert guidance and support.

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